Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why does money matter so much!

 Why does money matter so much? That is the topic that is eating away my mind today. I decided to put my mind over money and did a web search for it and liked the following excerpt I found:

"We like to think that we are logical, rational beings. We want to believe that we weigh the pros and cons of each decision and choose the most effective course of action before we act. However, when it comes to money, our brains haven't evolved much beyond those of our furry friends.
Money is a hot topic. Studies show that it is the no. 1 source of stress in our lives, in good times and bad. Money is a primary source of conflicts in couples, and the no. 1 cause of divorce in the early years of marriage. Whether it is a steady build-up of funds over the years or a significant real or imagined sudden financial gain or loss, money comes wrapped in an emotional package; and when we are emotionally charged we become rationally challenged. Neuroscience has shown that when our emotions run high, our logical, rational brain shuts down. When it comes back online, we typically rationalize our behaviors. Simply put, when it comes to investment decisions made when we are anxious or excited, we can't trust our instincts. When we let our animal brain make our investment decisions, it wreaks havoc on our financial lives.....Resist the urge to run with the herd. Whether it is today or tomorrow, one thing we know for sure: the herd will always run itself right off a cliff."
 Another interesting link:

I strongly believe in Dr. Billy Graham's quote : "When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost."

I don't disrespect money in any way. I have never wanted to be a millionaire. I only want enough money to live a happy, healthy life. I realize that there are honest ways to make money and there are devious (not-so-honest) ways to make money. I am not sure if I will be able to differentiate between the honest rich people and the not-so-honest rich people. Almost as a defense mechanism, I am just wary of anybody who is rich. I probably need to grow up some more and learn to discern.